The mortality rate due to COVID-19 is rising > 나 눔 방

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The mortality rate due to COVID-19 is rising

페이지 정보

작성자 홍수현 작성일20-12-15 04:15 조회2,050회 댓글0건


While there is some terrific news on the horizon regarding the vaccine, 

there is an article also to provide a comprehensive view point. 


In some, not all, areas of the country, the hospitalization rate is going down 

(% of infected people being admitted), 

while the mortality rate is rising (although only slightly for now). 

Along with bed occupancy rates reaching the point where beds are placed in hallways and any available spots - 

we are reaching the point where some hospitals are past capacity. 

percent of weekly cases admitted to hosptitals.png

projected daily average death at different lagged CFRs.png


This speaks to how difficult it has been to 

1. control the spread of COVID especially during the colder months, and 

2. the challenges of public health, people are tired and it is hard to get information to individuals for a number of reasons. 


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