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What is NYKNA?
The New York Korean Nurses Association is an organization of nurses who are licensed to practice as registered nurses in the United States or Korea.
Founded in 1981, NYKNA is the only professional organization in the eastern United States devoted exclusively to the needs and interests of nurses of Korean background.

What docs NYKNA do?
The purposes of NYKNA are:
1. To increase morale among Korean nurses working in the United States through network, support and social contact between members;
2. To promote professional growth for a higher quality of nursing practice;
3. To reach out to the community and work with other Korean communities;
4. To network with other Korean nursing organizations and other nursing communities;
5. To maintain a relationship with the Korean Nurses Association in Korea and participate in its functions.

How can one become a member of NYKNA?
There are two levels of NYKNA membership open to a person: regular and honorary.
If you are of Korean origin and have a license to practice nursing (either RN or LPN) in the United States or Korea, you are qualified to become a regular member.
However, you can also become an honorary member if you are interested in and committed to nursing and the cause of NYKNA.
Only regular members have voting privileges and can be elected to office. Honorary members, however, can participate at the meetings.
The annual membership fee is $50.00.

Benefits of being a NYKNA member
As a member you will receive:
1. Subscription to NYKNA Newsletter.
2. Nursing career counseling and advice.
3. The support of NYKNA social and professional network. 

Copyright © 2001 - 2024 The Greater New York Korean Nurses Association    [회원가입서]
6 Links dr, Lake Success NY 11020 TEL: 917-292-1251
e-Mail: nykna1@gmail.com      Powered by  NYDL